Army page : Topaz

April 2020: After many years, finally my main army got a photoshoot! It’s almost 400 painted models gathered over 15 years of wargaming. (estimating from the picture above) The Topaz army started out as Warhammer Fantasy Empire, but has been complemented with minatures from many suppliers once it’s landed in Panithor.

I’m really proud and happy with how they turned out, and unlike other projects, this one is never finished. I even wrote some fluff for it!

I also really like how my hobby progression shows throughout the army. For instance, the Dogs of War ogres on the far left were painted somewhere 2000-ish and it shows, both in battle damage and painting quality. The comparison with a more recent model (the foot guard or the rightmost general on winged beast) shows the hobby road I’ve taken.

Onwards to the pictures!

This is a close-up of my many infantry. Spear horde in the front, Polearms and foot guard on the 2nd row, pikemen 3nd row on the right, shield wall 3rd row on the left and 2nd horde of polearms far behind. I really love the sight of ranked infantry! Here’s 2 more close up pictures!

Below the missile troops. Two troops each of archers, crossbows and handguns each.

On the far back, behind the guns, there’s some more missile troops which still are on their individual bases. I guess, I never cared enough for them in battle to actually multibase them. Might get around it one day, though.

Below the gunnery department.

Yes, I know, I own too many of these darn things. (and plenty to be painted in my stocks somewhere) I even don’t have enough crew to crew them all. One day, I’ll play a massive siege battle and bring them all to blow the enemy castle into smithereens! Boom! A few do need bases, though.

Some of my crew have been multibased on cavalry bases to join any gun they desire. (so I can switch out my guns between my two human armies and can crew any six of my guns with the amount of crew I have) This works fine and I endeavour to multibase all my crew in this way eventually….

I posted my cavalry on my blog before when I multibased nearly all my horses for my 2nd ed. Brotherhood army.

Here’s them again in all resplendant glory! The outriders need a multibase one time.

Further down the rest of my horses and elephants. The elephants are used as League of Rhordia honour guard, but can be used as Kingdoms of Men Beasts of War too, as they are based on 50×100 individually.

Here’s the assortment of heroes that make up my army.

On the far left a unit of Golgfag’s mercenary ogres now fielded as basilean palace guard. These are ancient models, painted in the early 2000’s painstakingly to the highest standards I aspired to. Now, I keep them as they are as a reminder how my hobby has progressed since then. Behind them is a unit of 30-ish milia that comprise of oldhammer free company, my mordheim warbands and any other empire model that I modelled over the years which have not found a place in my KoW army. Of course, they still are on their individual bases.

In the middle an assortment of banners, both mounted and on foot. Never know when I’m gonna need seven flags, right?

On the right, two units of mounted sergeants converted from GW Outrider miniatures.

To finallise, the army consists of two titans: a phoenix (if playing basilea) and a giant (if playing Kingdoms of Men). The phoenix is a recent project featured here:

For your convenience: all pictures of this blog post have been combined into a gallery. Feel free to browse at your leisure:

August 2021 update

After the original post of summer 2020 I’ve steadily painted some additions. The hobby posts are posted elsewhere, so I’ll limit myself to the photos!

5 thoughts on “Army page : Topaz

  1. Very nice! Army photoshoots are so much fun, right? 😀

    I agree I love the look of ordered ranked infantry.. whilst I do all of my Orcs & Goblins very “unordered” to fit their style, I sometimes wish I did them more like this… But ofc I do have that small force of humans I want to grow and do a style more like this one day though.

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